Showing 19–26 of 26 results
The 10kHz channel NBFM NTX0 transmitter and NRX0 receiver operate on the licence exempt 27MHz SRD HF allocation. Thes...
Narrow Band, Single Channel, Transmitter
10 mW / 50mW / 100mW
Available for licence-exempt operation in the 433MHz (EU) and 458MHz (UK) bands, the NTX2B module combine effective s...
Narrow Band, Single Channel, Transmitter
up to 10 kbps
10mW / 25mW
The RPC3G is an intelligent transceiver modules, which enable a radio network/link to be simply implemented between a...
868MHz band (EU), 914.5MHz (US)
>10kbps, ≤10kbps, ≤64kbps, up to 40kbps
5mW / 25mW
SHX1 is small multi-channel narrow band VHF transceiver with 500mW RF power output.It is usable for 14...
High Power, Multichannel, Narrow Band, Transceivers
144 - 146MHz, 151-154MHz MURS, 169MHz 3MHz segment in 140 - 175MHz
A TDL3F is a single channel, 869 or 915MHz wideband, transparent data link. It has a TDL2A pin out (and firmware), bu...
Modems, Single Channel, Wideband
Europe: 869.85MHz or 868.30MHz, North America: 914.50MHz
5mW / 25mW
The TX2H is a 433.92MHz FM transmitter module with a power output of 25mW nominal. It is a 100% pin-compatible dro...
High Power, Single Channel, Wideband, Transmitter
433.92MHz and 434.42MHz
>10kbps, ≤10kbps, up to 40kbps, up to 64kbps
25mW /100mW
The WRX2C is a low cost wide band FM receiver with quasi-DC data slicer in a Radiometrix SIL standard pin out and foo...
Receiver, Wideband
418, 433.92MHz
>10kbps, ≤10kbps
The BiM2D is a frequency programmable wideband FM transceiver radio module, which is an enhanced replacement for the ...
Single Channel, Transceivers, Wideband
Standard: 433.92MHz or 434.42MHz
up to 64kbps
10mW / 25mW